2022.05 筆記合集

展覽 Exhibition :
Linger (A While
藝術家 Artist :

地點 Venue :
Hidden Space

日期 Date :




展覽 Exhibition :
Perfect Sense Chris Shen
Solo Exhibition
藝術家 Artists :
Chris SHEN

地點 Venue :
Current Plans

日期 Date :


一個「被迫」實驗唔需要人都可以運作嘅展覽,展出多件以電子感應器而製作嘅高互動性作品。運作上,實驗非常成功,未入門口已經有自動 disco 燈同強制性酒精搓手液招呼,入門後亦有三件挑戰觀眾互動能力嘅作品比大家玩。

其中 Nearness (Auto) (2022) 同 Drawn Door (Auto) (2022) 都需要觀眾嘅專注同耐性去令作品運作。為左睇 Nearness (Auto) ,我郁都唔敢郁,怕要再重啟作品。當時,視線的確冇離開過作品,甚至令到旁邊需要郁動嘅 Lume (2022) 都唔再運作,成間房黑哂,得返 Nearness (Auto) 係我眼前。但比起欣賞錄像,我更怕前功進廢,更多反覆觀察感應器嘅反應,對機械嘅信任,瞬間變成隱形嘅規條,放棄規條就等於百分之百放棄關係,放棄觀賞。等待 Drawn Door (Auto) 開門係另一個信任嘅挑戰,門後面漆黑一片,只有鐵鏈滾動嘅聲音,你唔知門會幾時開,亦唔知信任會唔會突然一拍兩散。與其話呢個係互動裝置,不如話呢到只有單向嘅命令同服從。

0101 嘅世界只有「運作」同「唔運作」,當然我唔認為觀眾喺呢個空間只有呢兩個選擇,但當你願意投入自動世界,願意探索對方為你設計嘅(體驗/陷阱),就好似必順捨棄選擇第三個可能。展覽引用 Paul Fitts 問:機械同人究竟分別叻啲乜?應該交咩比佢地做?或者係呢個探索嘅時候,你就已經跌入左「必須相信」嘅陷阱。

A “forced-to-be” self-running exhibition-experiment that showcases few highly interactive installations activated by electronic sensors. Our beloved audience will be first welcomed by the auto disco lighting and the obligatory sanitizer machine. Through the doorfront, 3 more installations are set to challenge your interacting capabilities.

Nearness (Auto) (2022) and Drawn Door (Auto) (2022) demands your concentration and patience. To hope Nearness (Auto) to work and not rewinding back, I barely dared to move, silencing the space, even Lume (2022), the installation nearby that bears a sensitive motion trigger. There was only Nearness (Auto) working, but rather than focusing on the moving image, my eyes could not help checking on the electronic triggers and hoped all things were on track. There was trust between me and the work, rather, it was rules that bounded between us. Drawn Door (Auto) also demands your credence. You will be sealed from the door behind, recognizing only darkness and sound from the moving iron chains. You will not be sure of whether the door will really open for you, or fail you, unless you keep your position very right. Instead of being interactive installations, mono-directional regulations might be an inevitable outcome.

Digital world bears only “0” and “1”. I believe, of course, the audience do have more options than right or wrong in the exhibition. But when one, truly and fully, devotes oneself into the set-up (experience/ trap), one seems to inevitably forgo all the alternatives. Chris quoted Paul Fitts on asking what man and machines are better at, and tasks that we could hand machines. Perhaps, we will in no means not fall into their trap of “necessary trust” whilst exploring their capabilities.

展覽 Exhibition :
藝術家 Artist :
沈君怡 SHUM Kwan Yi

地點 Venue :
Grotto Fine Art

日期 Date :





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